Have you been noticing spots on the ground where your car was parked? Those stains could be harmless condensation from your air conditioning system, but it could also be something much more serious—motor oil, radiator coolant, or any number of other vital fluids from your car.

There may be a number of reasons why your car’s engine is leaking oil. Some of the reasons include:

  • An oil drain plug gasket that’s not sealing properly
  • Other damaged or worn out gaskets, hoses, pistons, or rings
  • A damaged oil pan
  • A corroded oil cooler line
  • An improperly installed oil filter
  • A missing gasket

If you suspect that your engine may be leaking oil, or any fluid at all, be proactive. Bring it to our attention and we’ll investigate where it’s coming from, explain the probable cause and offer you solutions to remedy the problem.

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